Jacquard and tapestry jacket, silk and wool scarf, and knitted silk cardigan: all by Gucci; trousers, LanvinThough I am all for wearing prints and even floral in fall and winter, one must admit they only bloom on spring. Tapestry! Now that has yet to enter my menswear vocabulary; the pattern on the jacket reminds me of Latin American motifs.
Cotton Pourpe Gladiola jacket, matching trousers, cotton jersey t-shirt, and calf leather Pourpe belt: all by Bottega Venetta; hand-embroidered cashmere scarf, Baba Art EmporiumQuite different to see these
Bottega Veneta prints under the sun.
Cotton shirt and painted felt trilby: both by Alexander McQueen; silk scarf, Baba Art EmporiumThis
Alexander McQueen shirt also takes on a totally different context worn casually and with a scarf.
Cotton reindeer-print shirt, Dunhill; cashmere scarf and jodhpur trousers, Baba Art Emporium; straw hat, Paul Smith
Crumpled silk jacket, matching cotton t-shirt, flocked cotton trousers: all by Emporio Armani; leather and macrame sandals, LanvinI want the silk jacket, but the flocked trousers look exquisite — especially since the design is not always obvious.
Silk twill shirt, silk twill Carré scarf, woven cotton and leather Acores belt, and leather Syphnos sandals: all by Hermès; cotton shorts, Emporio Armani; antique loom-made throw, Baba Art EmporiumWill you wear a throw as a scarf?
Cotton shirt, cotton string vest, and paper hat: all by Paul Smith; wool trousers, Dunhill; distressed leather boots, Alexander McQueenI like the silhouette, even if it is old and a bit tired. This picture makes it worth reminiscing about.
Photographs, Yval Hen, Styling Damian FoxeFT How to Spend It