Numéro Homme: Outlaws

"Hors la loi" by Jean-Baptiste Mondino, Numéro Homme 16, Automne-hiver 2011-08. (click pictures for detail)

Popular culture imagines gypsies in bright and colorful clothes, usually in many layers, with the men wearing hats and the women in loose skirts. They are pictured traveling in wagons.

This editorial tries to capture that vibe with the location and the props. The result is cowboy meets country Englishman meets shaman.

Though rules are mostly followed and there are not that many particularly amazing pieces, the total impact is captivating. The motif is established by hats, fur, hair, jewelry, feathers, and ethnic tassles.

These embrodered cotton pants by Alexander McQueen look like something from a Bangkok market. On his silver ring, I think, is lapis lazuli.

Without rings, many of these outfits would fall flat. Such a small but vital accessory.

The floppy bowties add ease.

Besides the basic shirts and plain trousers, the striped and plaid pants keep the looks modern, not to mention commercial and attuned to the staples of the season.

What makes this outfit the editorial's piece de résistance? Besides the silver bowtie and skull, the jewelry, and the feathers, it is the way the ruffled collar matches the checkered wool trousers.