True Grit has got to be the one of the best movies I've seen in a long time, much better than Black Swan and the stream of crappy films I have subjected myself to lately. (Though there were of course I Am Love, The Kids Are Alright, The Fantastic Mr Fox, and The Class.) This was the night I watched it with my friend Gina.

The strawberries came in threes: in a salad with meat and greens, a multi-berry smoothie, and finally this dark chocolate creme brûlée. Wore my hood several times during the night since I still wasn't feeling tip-top. (Legs still sore after going down 42 flights of stairs thanks to a fire drill.) Though coffee did fulfill its supporting role by warming me a bit.

Matched the ikat print of my tee with the geometric design of my crochet sandals. (Why is it that when I need warmth, I always neglect my feet, one of the most sensitive parts of the body in terms of nerve endings…)

Though I've never let sickness completely deprive me of fun (I assign Twister Fries as my flu placebo). Here playing with milk. Do Got Milk food stylists use Elmer's Glue? Starch? Whatever they used, it was also a night thickened with some verses courtesy of Louise Glück, whose stanzas never froth.

Unfortunately my two bags were the worse for wear. Impatient of gossip and useless chitchat, they decided to abandon me before I finished my dessert. (Usually trusty black nylon tote commiserated with a worn out canvas tote from now defunct Aeon bookstore, which Gina also ran to for her literary fix.)
Hoodie, Topaman; tee, Dries Van Noten; skinny belt, A.P.C; Two Percent jeans, sandals, and tote: all thrifted; canvas tote, giveaway
Cameo photos by Gina Sales