I've worn these shorts before, but with an all-gray get-up. Contrary to what my mom, friends, and even boss say, I find them decent enough to wear in public. I just have to avoid direct sunlight like a vampire — you know what I mean.
This is also the first time I'm wearing my thrifted chukkas from Pasig.

Here I am debating with my friend and exclusive photographer Trish on the merits of tailored shorts with a proper hem. I agree that I must get a real pair soon — instead of something that originally came with an equally sheer casual kimono top.
Polo shirt, Penguin; knit houndstooth jacket, Sisley; shorts and chukka boots: both thrifted; black, gray, and white striped socks, U2; shoe laces from an old Camper pair (the original suede laces are too brittle too use)
Photos by Patricia Suzara (Cecilia is leaving soon, and will be missed)