Since I have no interest in shaking any tassels or any bag trinket tails – as Louis Vuitton did for its Spring 2010 RTW collection – I will settle for my trusty, practical scarves to wag the dust in my wake.

I told you this post was pointless, just by the title. It's just that I seem to have accumulated so many scarves that sometimes I think I'll just use them to add some interest to my bags as, yes, trinkets. (Now they are only mildly expected to warm my nape from the sometimes brutal office air-conditioning.)
Shirt, Springfield; jeans, Levi's; filigree belt, Brave Beltworks; Filler boat shoes, Young Camel bag, and scarf: all thrifted

I got these boat shoes from the meandering trip yesterday. Sadly the "croc" pair with tassels was too big, the Rockport one too small, and the others just fun to look at. (This one needs just a little cleaning and they're ready to go.)