One of the best parts of the day for me to write occurs between the witching hour (3 o'clock) and early morning, when everything is still and only silence has wings. But when I clear everything to set down ink and no inspiration materializes, I am usually drawn to set off.

There is no particular place. Sometimes I just ride a bus from one end of a national highway to the other. Even if I've already seen the places the bus passes, I gaze out to watch people, gather sounds, and smell the wind.
It's funny that I have a public blog with my face on its pages, when many times I just yearn to hide and disappear into the thick of things, or like a poet once said, to become a net, a sieve for existence.

Dragging concepts back to street-level, I did my own catching of inspiration the morning I decided to wear this outfit. The shirt is black-and-white plaid and the jeans in fatigues, just like what Taylor Tomasi was wearing when she was snapped by streetstyle photographer Tommy Ton. Also fished out this bag to ape Taylor's quilted accessory. The additional sweater was supposed to be just for the office, but I retained it for the nighttime motif.

So here I go, once again fading into the night. Who knows where you will see me next.
Izzue short-sleeved plaid shirt, black satin tie, and black leather bag: all thrifted; black sweater, Muji; jeans, Trussardi Jeans; sneaker, Generic Surplus