Hel Looks, the Helsinki-based streetstyle blog, is now much easier to navigate, though of course nothing was wrong with its earlier quirky design.
Sebastian, 23, has this to say about his style and get-up: “First I had a yellow bicycle rim, then I designed a yellow chair and after that I started wearing yellow jeans. The jacket is Members Only, the hoodie from American Apparel, the t-shirt from Stockholm and shoes from USA. I like relaxed and spontaneous style.”
The plaid details are set free on Eric's vintage sweater. He is also wearing an old English pea coat, trousers from Canada, and old army boots. Of his style: "I like to wear vintage, stuff that no-one else can have. I'm in a grey phase now, with some navy blue. Karl Lagerfeld and London street style inspire me.”
Glam Canyon, on the other hand, shows how playing with colors and scarves can pay off. In this instance, with a brightly colored, long button-down.
While it is the scarf here that does the work. Of course, the skinny jeans and boots combo too.