From Runway To Street 008

FRTS - Issey Miyake Sweater Vest @ StreetStylista.Homme
Issey Miyake Sweater Vest from Spring 2010 RTW.

Haven't done a FRTS post in a long time so here's a new one! Did you notice his outfit consists of a mixture of the differing shades of just 3 colours? Really liking the combination of the colours and how they complement one another. Try injecting some colour in your daily outfits if you belong to the monochromic dressing group. You might be pleasantly surprised at how just a tinge of colour brightens your outfit up immediately. Never be afraid to experiment with colours!

On a separate note, will be going off for a short trip in a few hours and I'll have limited internet access. Regular posting will most likely resume when I get back later next week. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend and Happy Sunday!=)