Can't take a good day without a bad one...


- 70s lace camisole
- vintage Lee jeans
- vintage belt
- 80s flats
- John Romain satchel
- listening to: Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine "Better Version of Me"

Things are cah-razy around here these days. We're enjoying some beautiful, warm spring weather. Along with the return of sunshine is the return of our house renovations. Oh, if you could only see the mess that is our backyard right now! We're having new windows installed, insulation added and a brand spanking new back door put in. The joys of having a door that we don't have to stuff kitchen towels around to stop the draft! I can hardly contain myself. :)

So... the backyard is all scaffolding and piles of lumber and windows stacked one on top of another. And anyone who's ever fixed up an old house knows with every board removed comes a new mystery. Termite damage! Rotten framing! Old rain damage! Oh boy!

Not to worry. Things around the blog and shop shouldn't change a bit. I have this week's Etsy items already photographed and ready to go. I'll try to keep up with the outfit photos too. These days do make for some casual outfits like today's. These vintage Lee jeans have quickly become a favorite thing to wear.
