Sneak Peek for Etsy Update!

I spent a long, somewhat frustrating day taking photos for a much overdue Etsy update. I love this new studio space but it is showing its unique challenges as I try to adjust to a new lighting situation. It took me quite a while today to figure out the right camera settings to get the photos looking the way I want them to. No, my wall didn't change colors ten times today, that's little ol' me trying to work out a white balance issue. Just as I figured it out, the sun was going down and I lost the chance to finish up. Argh...

So, while they aren't quite ready to be posted in the store, I thought I'd give you a little peek at what I was working on. This is the first batch of dress but I also have a pile of lovely skirts and blouses that I'll be getting to this week as well. As far as the question of when these pieces will be available, I'm going to cross my fingers and say Thursday. Maybe if I put it in writing, it'll force me to buckle down and make it happen!

Once again, thanks so, so much for stickin' with me through this little transition period. All of your kind words and thoughtful comments really brighten my day!
