Fall Street Style


There's nothing like moving to make you take inventory of your closet. I've heard the term "shop your closet" thrown around a lot in the past year or so, since the economy has taken a down turn. I'm finding it to be quite true! Things tend to get buried in the back of my closet, not seeing the light of day for some time. Rediscovering these pieces has been just like buying new things, only with the added benefit of being free this time around.

I certainly don't feel the need to be buying anything new right now with all of these newly rediscovered gems in my own closet. It's a nice feeling! Here are some of my favorite street style shots of the moment that are inspiring me to try new combinations with my own clothes.

  • The always adorable Filippa sporting a favorite color combination. I love this black and orange combo but whenever I try to wear it, I always start to feel sort of Halloweeny. After seeing this photos, I'm determined to actually leave the house wearing orange and black.
  • One of the areas of dressing that I'm always lacking in is putting together super comfy outfits that still look stylish. I think this girl has nailed it. I want to try wearing a big, oversized sweater with a dress and flat boots.
  • I recently found a few of the most wonderful 100% cashmere pleated skirts. Two out of three will certainly make their way into the shop, but I'm sure to hold onto one of them. I thought I would take it to have it altered to a shorter length (it hits just below the knee), but seeing this photo makes me wonder if it wouldn't be better to leave it as is.
  • I love this sort of gothy-romantic look with the soft upswept hair. I know I've got lots of black in my closet and there are a couple of lacy collars lying around as well. This shouldn't been too hard to replicate.


photo credits: Filippa's blog, Vanessa Jackman, AltimiraNYC, Cafe Mode