Cool as jazz
By Miguel Paolo Celestial
Published in 'Get the look', Rogue Magazine May 2009
Perhaps one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century, Miles Davis was vital in establishing more than one genre of jazz, with several fused from a variety of musical styles and disciplines. Davis was particularly known for his signature trumpet sound—clear, rounded, and “with no attitude in it”—veering away from the musical vogue of the time, which was a tremulous vibrato. The same could be said of how the great pioneer dressed, which avoided loud flourishes and stylish excesses. His outfits were mostly as cool, laidback, and unadulterated as his early musical output.
Miles Davis pared away what was unnecessary from his look—adding only what was practical, like a scarf or a trilby and transforming them into the subtlest fashion accents. He utilized chinos as basic elements from which he built his casual yet polished look—no different from the way he made music and brought both musicians and musical styles together in creative fusion.
Rogue Magazine's 'Get the look' section publishes alongside its articles a selection of clothing to approximate the discussed looks.
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As a new project for this blog, I will be attempting to get into the style of certain icons for my cameos, but of course these will be tempered and perhaps modified by my personal predilections.