Vertical clearance


I've done this before, but not quite the same. Here is my blue, horizontally-striped sheer sweater again, worn over a shirt with solid verticals.

Must make note to self to buy similarly lengthed shirts for the more casual look. I'm afraid I'm getting quite tired of my belts.


I found a red bike again! This time conveniently parked near the back of the office building. Wanted to ride it for this picture but I wasn't sure if the owner was watching.

Again this latest bauble necklace, but paired with a tie with crests.


Now here is an important lesson: if I must insist on wearing relatively baggy jeans, I shouldn't wear them with boots or I'll only look shorter than I already am. Otherwise just stick to skinnies — even if the trend is waning, they are always a refuge for the vertically challenged.

Sheer sweater, Zara; shirt, tie, and boots: all thrifted; necklace, DIY

Photos by Patricia Suzara