Stumbling on street style blogs is always refreshing. It's like opening a new book and flipping through the first few pages — you discover a new world with new characters, and places and events seen through a different point of view.
You even discover delightful metallic insects.
What is amazing about Vanessa Jackman's street style blog is that she has an eye quite distinct from her colleagues. Even as she gets the light, mood, and angles right one gets a clear sense that she is attracted by different things.
Comparing pictures of the same person taken by other street style bloggers, her camera captures a little more warmth. Her images are a bit more personal, nearer to the people than those taken by industry stalwarts.
Her shots are less about making the perfect images than capturing the little imperceptible quirks that make her subjects more human.
More than documenting style to provide inspiration for individuals and for editors, Vanessa Jackman creates portraits.
This is her strength as a photographer and as a street style blogger.
She also has very candid commentary about her subjects, blogging, and life in general.
Here she seems experimenting with her style, still unsure how she wants to interpret what she sees.
Though this is a menswear blog, androgyny plays an important part in male imagery. This shot is a good example.
Now these last three pictures are completely gratuitious. These adorable toddlers appear just because.