Can you see it? How the front part of this pair looks like maryjanes? Take that with inspiration from mountain boots, punk, and minimalist industrial design, and you've got a distinct and wearable show piece.

The footwear comes with Undercover's Spring 2010 collection directly inspired by designer Dieter Rams.

You not only see the common colors, but also reading gears, the simple geometry of it.

I have heard of Rams way before, and what I best appreciate about him are his ten principles of good design:
1. Good design is innovative
2. Good design makes a product useful
3. Good design is aesthetic
4. Good design helps us to understand a product
5. Good design is unobtrusive
6. Good design is honest
7. Good design is long-lasting
8. Good design is consequent to the last detail
9. Good design is concerned with the environment
10. Good design is as little design as possible

I have a strong affinity to the modernist school, which believes in the integrity of things. Like the sturdiness of these boots. The Y metallic pulls should really be out of place, but the studded strips make them work.

I like not only this shade of green, but the cutouts on the sandals that could pass for the shape of masks in a movies like Star Wars.

These wouldn't have the same effect if the laces passed through holes. Now the laces look like rope.

"Good design is as little design as possible." This must strike many as odd, especially in an era of starchitects (star architects) and industrial designers churning immensely creative and original one-offs. For me it's just about quiet subtlety.

No need to be loud stomping around.

The shiny and velvety sweat pants are more Ziggy than Rams.

Uneccessary things like studs and rivets do a lot for character.

Good in both green and gray.

I love the blazer.

See the resemblance?

Do you prefer the jackets with skirt-like shorts or with luxurious sweats?

The clothes push the right buttons.

The orange button is a good touch, like the jacket's navel.

What does a good collaboration sound like?

A single smooth frequency.