The sky is falling


It's only the second day of December and I feel like panicking. Not because of impending Christmas shopping, but from thinking of the many things I wanted to do this year that I still haven't accomplished. Since it's not yet over, I feel compelled to rush in all sorts of directions.

But before I go anywhere, I finally found these bright blue jeans in my cabinet! I think I've only worn it once on this blog.


Can't help but remember the day I last wore it. I was also wearing a gray sleevless vest, which I lost, after running after a girl I photographed for La Folie Douce, my streetstyle blog.

I must have lost my head, my friend said — like in this overexposed photograph, where it seems to be disappearing — but even if her dress wasn't that pretty, I think she was, together with her yellow buttons!


I still look dorky, I know, but I'm quite sure I looked dorkier then.


Here, finally, is a photo in perfect light, where you can see the approximate hue of the jeans. My head back on, I can only be thankful for the year that was, and use whatever time I have left to do what I do best.

Marcellotino shirt, jacket, and tie: all thrifted; jeans, Bitter End; belt, Nautica; sneakers, Generic Surplus

Photos by Patricia Suzara