I found this magazine along with Tune at Narita airport. Yes, the cover and title suggest teenybopper sugar, but don't be misled. (The issue I bought at the airport is for May 2010, issue 757.)

I think the magazine packs some serious editorials — young, of course, but also seriously stylish. This first one that I fancied is entitled The Seersucker Classics.

I love the fabric, the mix of patterns, the accessories, and the play of cuts and lengths.

Shorts are beginning to stick to my imagination, which means they are a step before window shopping, which then leads to fittings, then you know what...

Do you remember somebody who appeared on a reality TV show sporting similar markings on his neck? Clue: the show is fashion-related. On another note: club collar!

Now the saddle shoes and the hat I have already fit, but I'm still waiting for the perfect pieces. The cut of the trousers seem more sophisticated than they look.

I don't know why, but amid all the preppy items mashed into this image, it still appears rock to me. Is it the shades? The swagger? The loosened tie that he doesn't care as much for as his scarf? I spy an earring and my increasingly gnawing yearning to live in another city...
Photography by Seishi Shirakawa, Styling by Akio Hasegawa