I asked the saleslady if the cratered beads they were selling really came from space. She laughed, and I shrugged it off. Nobody was buying the "meteorite", so I wanted it.
This is the necklace I made for my mom as a gift especially for Christmas Eve, since she was looking for a necklace other than a long strand of pearls to go with her red dress. Coincidentally, the piece went well with what I was wearing yesterday morning.

Besides the leftover rosette onyx, I used medium-sized "meteorite" beads, obsidian, and some gray squarish stones. I decided to use gray with black to give my mom's red dress more character. She wore this double-stranded.

I hope you had a merry Christmas, because I did. Besides meeting relatives again, tasting my cousin's dishes, and the gifts, I was also able to sell both my "grotesque" steel necklaces and something new from my Sacre line (will post this by and by), plus a couple of orders for new hardware pieces.
It was likewise amazing how necklaces I conceived for men looked great on my aunts!

Again, I liked how this turned out. Different colors, textures, and shapes.

Tee, Rogan; thrifted skinny jeans, Dior Homme; belt, Brave Beltworks; sneakers, Generic Surplus; necklace, DIY

I was also able to make a necklace-gift for my grandmother, which she was happy to receive. It was shorter and was accentuated with shiny, metallic hematite beads. This afternoon I was also able to make a combination piece from black wooden beads and onyx for my cousin — much lighter than the earlier necklaces, but still looks interesting because of the new colors and textures.
As I write this post in the beach, I am wearing a new necklace made of unfinished wood and plastic, which I think is the start of a new line. Summer, perhaps?

I hope this venture blossoms. Watch this page — at least until I am able to put up my Bosquejo accessories site!
Happy holidays!