My new Divisoria canvas tote + new pendants

Ricky V tote

Can you read it? It says: "ricky v 2010". Ricky is a photographer and I was with him yesterday to take shots of my Bosquejo accessories for a lookbook and website. (Rushing everything right before this weekend's Rockwell tent bazaar.) I asked if I could have this promotional tote he gave away for the Year of the Tiger. Am glad he's now thinking of designing t-shirts and other lifestyle items, since I like how he does graphics. (Better than most stuff available in the market.)

Brought the tote today for another trip to Divisoria and Quiapo. Comes in very handy.

New pendants

Here are three new stainless steel pendants I found today. As things are coming together (calling card, lookbook, and website (thanks Trish!); display and necklaces; and Facebook event) I think I can start breathing normally again. Nevermind that I'm still designing some pieces tonight and tomorrow; looking forward to sleep, gym, books, and umm … you know what I mean.

Tiger says it all.