My latest thrifted vest

This is the vest I got from the Japanese goods thrift shop*. Wearing it with a plaid flannel shirt I also bought there on a recent trip. Actually all items here are thrifted, except for the jeans and the watch.

An interesting piece I haven't told you about is the belt buckle, which looks like hammered metal upon closer inspection.

I like the peppermint candy red of the shirt. My hair is already growing to its usual length. Want to have a haircut, but I'm not sure what style to use, or if this length looks better. What do you think?

Meanwhile, the length of the vest is perfect to have shirts tucked in. The other vests I thrifted are too short to allow them to be worn other than with an untucked tee or shirt.

Flannel shirt, blue flannel tie, belt, vest, and blue loafers: all thrifted; jeans, Levi's; watch, Tissot

These are failed attempts at a night shot yesterday. No tie with the vest, but am wearing my black bonnet with the outfit.

Pinstripe shirt, Marks & Spencer; brown pants, Zara; filigree belt, Brave Beltworks; open bonnet, 5cm; vest, thrifted

Top two photos, Patricia Suzara

*Located near the Makati Cinema Square, down a street with a Goldilocks shop at the corner