If I have seemed withdrawn the past few days, or even weeks, it's because of the many things happening in various fields. Like shoots and seedlings, they have been unstoppable.
Right now, besides transferring files from an old to a new laptop, I'm preparing documents for an impending trip — one that a month ago I never would have expected. I am uploading images of necklaces I have just sold. I am once again reading literature. I suppose it comes with the new season: undeniable change.

Like florals suddenly popping out on the street.
I have always had a long list of plans; only now do they, one by one, fill out with sap with the hope of future blossoms.
Jacket, Springfield; floral shirt, Diesel; pants, Zara; belt, Brave Beltworks; laceups, Marlboro Classics; forest green skinny tie, thrifted; gold watch, Omega Seamaster