It's the first time I've done it with a shirt and not just a tee. (I know it sounds boring, but bear with me.) Though what I'm wearing is a little too stiff to achieve those loungy summer creases, I like what tucking does to the shirt's sheen. Also noticed that its better with a belt with a big buckle.

The point is, I didn't tuck the back, but before that here is my trusty canvas bag, which was given for free many Christmases ago by a favorite bookstore that I sorely miss (It's been closed for quite a while.) For the longest time, I've been using it to load all my stuff from my bag each time I go home, so that, whichever bag I use the next day, I'll be sure not to leave anything in a stray pocket. Like keys and my company ID. (Today I used it to bring gym stuff.)
Does this habit sound strange? Does anybody else have this problem?
I've heard of a compartmentalized "inner" bag that you put in an "outer" bag to fulfill the same purpose. But that just bothers me. It's like you have a fake bag and a real one, the former just for show.

So back to my back. Creases from all the sitting and slouching I've been doing this morning. Not bad, I say. And I don't think it would be the same if I had tucked it in. (Not a bald spot. Cowlicks.)
Shirt, Ben Sherman; jeans, Levi's; belt, Brave Beltworks
Outfit photos by Patricia Suzara