The eerie accessories of Black Sheep and Prodigal Sons

Black Sheep 01

"Giant flew inland. He went on for a long time, and finally he was very tired, so he dropped down on the sea the little round stone which his father had given to him. It became a large rock way out at sea. Giant rested on it and refreshed himself, and took off the raven skin.

At that time there was always darkness. There was no daylight then.

The whole world was still covered with darkness. When the sky was clear, the people would have a little light from the stars; and when clouds were in the sky, it was very dark all over the land. The people were distressed by this. Then Giant thought that it would be hard for him to obtain his food if it were always dark. He remembered that there was light in heaven, whence he had come. Then he made up his mind to bring down light to our world."

- Tsimshian legend

This Promethan myth is the first thing you see once you skim the online page of Black Sheep and Prodigal Son.

Black Sheep 02

Left: Yiksa, leather and vintage ivory breast plate, limited to 7 pieces
Right: Hahnoma or White Man's Fly, 18k gold cast from Brooklyn honeycomb on leather cord, limited to 3 pieces

Their pieces are fantastic. Made of ivory, ebony, gold, horsehair, and leather, their lines get to the heart of materials.

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Nascha, weathered lamb and vintage ivory bib, limited to 7 pieces; Koko, wrapped rawhide bangle

The mood brought by the styling and setting are apt for the jewelry, which could have been made by old tribes.

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Or then again, by cults.

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Left: Chogan, leahter and vintage ebony harness, limited to 7 pieces
Right: Yiksa, leather and vintage ivory breast plate, limited to 7 pieces; O'ha, braided American horsehair and leather bangle

The models could stand in for the children of the Blair Witch.

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Not that it's a bad thing.

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Leather can also be made from the skin of intelligent mammals, who have high carbon footprints.