That's what I decided to name this Sacre necklace. Though it's no great sacrifice to pose in front of a camera and tripod, am still getting the hang of it — trying not to laugh at myself in embarrassment.
This was how I wore the necklace yesterday.

I got the beads and amulet from four different places. Putting them together took time, starting with a concept and working my way one bead at a time.

I know some may find the styling offensive, but I think it works — both aesthetically and conceptually; the combination of the Sacre necklace, gold pendant, and irreverent tee emphasizes the meeting of the sacred and profane. (Soon my teeth will match my accessories, with all the coffee I drink.)

Working on this necklace was no different from working on an article or a poem. Each sentence or line, like each bead, should flow smoothly from the one before it; and everything should come together to convey a cohesive and coherent meaning. At least that was how it felt for me.

Time to run back to Quiapo to get more amulets. Got my first two orders!
Stretch tee, De Puta 69; cargo pants, Izzue; filigree belt, Brave Beltworks; crucifix pendant, bought from Florence; wore everything yesterday with a vintage gold-plated Omega Seamaster