Color lessons: green, red, and old rose


Violet and green has always been an interesting combination for me. Not because they make you look like an eggplant, but because they complement each other in a way that is not obvious.

Both have the blue pigment, enabling them to be equally dominant. It makes perfect sense then to include the color blue in a green and violet outfit. With the three colors making everything heavy, the gray in Nick's shirt and shoes soften the effect.


I don't think I've seen these shades of green on cropped shorts and boat shoes. The sight of pastels is refreshing, especially if the hues are seldom used. Tea green, mint green, celadon?

Just make sure you have strong colors like those of the brown belt and Alex's backpack to balance out light tones. Too bad that just when I decided I wanted tailored shorts, Manila's summer season also resolved to crop its duration.


With black are the three primary colors, with the red shirt seemingly overpowering blue and yellow — or gold in this case. But without the blue floral pattern of the belt, the outfit would fall flat, and without the gold belt buckle, necklace, and bracelet, there wouldn't be any coherence either.

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I may be mistaken, but this seems like old rose, complemented by a huge turquoise ring, which looks antique. It's quite fitting that Rasmus's old rose shirt is creased and his purse, made from distressed leather. Even his shoes look vintage. They match — you've guessed it — his of-the-moment iPhone.

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Photos from Stil in Berlin, Stockholm Street Style, and The Sartorialist