Unbelievably sharp and ignorant barbs exchanged over the issue of that installation "Politeismo" at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Good thing, though, that it has generated much discussion and debate, even if, initially, most veins are misguided.

Old issue, I know, but what concerns me more, really, is the awakening of our aesthetics. Not necessarily to something that has to be "global", whatever that tired and dirty word means.
Would you believe that my entire Sacre collection from my Bosquejo line of accessories is based on what's available in Quiapo?

Once we have gotten over our holy battles (from art exhibitions to McDonald's commercials), or actually, once we begin to view them with new eyes, then maybe we can see what battles our art should be waging, and with which weapons.

Close your eyes, laugh, pray, cry. Gnash your teeth. But do something.
The twelve repurposed bullets in this necklace represent the twelve rays of the sun that are usually found emanating from Our Lady. The force of prayer?

This sheer mesh shirt is still a little itchy, though strangely, my body reacts with more heat. Isn't it the same with pet peeves, with advocacies, with our late night battles with demons that are fought on the canvas and on the page?
Jacket, Sisley; shirt, thrifted; jeans, Cheap Monday; belt, Brave Beltworks; laceups, Marlboro Classics; necklace, "Bullets and Roses" from Bosquejo
Bosquejo now stocks store-exclusive Sacre pieces at ac+632 at Greenbelt 5, Makati