Looking for inspiration for a new editorial (Yes, I will be styling again!), I stumbled on this.

The images have an immediate impact.

They either make you stare at them or look twice.

This is my top criteria for good editorials: they have more than one layer of text, or content, even if at first glance they seem utterly simple.

Actually, the more something looks "perfect" and "complete", it is more probable that that image had more thought put into it.

Ideas, with feeling.

The contrast of colors and black-and-white, the play of textures, the simultaneous look of malice and innocence on a model's face: concepts stretched taut on both palette and fabric.

What makes a picture dynamic?

The answer is the same for great novels and poems, statues and paintings.

Is there conflict? Is there a story? Are things many-sided?

Okay, you can say that's a lot of bull just for a simple, commercial editorial.

But, like it or not, effective spreads depend on such things.

Stylists and photographers must grab the elements of a picture by the horns.
Source: The Fashionisto