award numero uno...

I just received some lovely little blog awards...

I am going to post the first one today, & the second one tomorrow!

Miss Macyie of Maycie After Five awarded me best blog. And here is the award details... (which I decided to do plus images, because I love me some pretty)

When you receive this award you must: 

Share 7 random things about yourself:

1. If I had the guts, I would have lots more tattoos. 

2. I am probably the biggest dreamer of all time. 

3. I can't even be near a pickle, I hate them to the nth degree. 

4. In college I majored in business, but I think I should have majored in fashion instead. 

5. I have held 8, yes 8, jobs since I graduated from college 4 years ago. It seems I get restless easily :)

6. I am allergic to nearly everything outside - grass, flowers, trees, you name it, it makes me sneeze. 

7.  My dream is to open up a lovely boutique filled with all my favorite things. 

Answer the following questions:

Your favourite colour - Mustard.

Your favourite song -  I don't have an all time favorite song, but my current favorite song is...

Favourite Dessert - Tough one. I'm going with ice cream since it's summer time & all. 

When your're upset, you - Throw myself a pity party. 

Your favourite pet - Well I love my current pup Riley, but I have to go with my old golden retriever family dog when I was a kid, Tyler. 

Biggest fear - Not fulfilling my dreams. 

Best feature - I think it'd have to be my luscious locks. 

Everyday attitude - Happy with a helping of sarcastic. 

What is perfection - A hot summer cloudless day with bike rides & beer. 

Guilty Pleasure - Gossip Girl 

Hope you learned a little bit about me that you didn't know!




I wanted to thank you all for the lovely comments on my post yesterday! They sure made me smile :)