At about the same time last year, I introduced a gym locker concept, where I posted images of my clothes and stuff just before I left them for the treadmill, weights, and machines.
Though that concept didn't extend to more than two posts, I am back with last year's color combination of yellow, green, and red — albeit all jumbled up. The fatigue pants give way to a suede shoulder bag, the red in the leather to an envelope portfolio, and the yellow in the tee transfers to painter's jeans.

This Easter weekend I hope to tidy up my shelves, perhaps stumble on books I bought years ago but haven't touched. Looking at this most recent set of acquisitions, you wouldn't know which ones I got from the second-hand bookstore (except of course the short stories by Naguib Mahfouz).
As both my bags and painter's pants above were thrifted, so were Martha Quest by Doris Lessing, Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness by Kenzaburo Oe, and Too Far Afield by Günter Grass.

You see, one can find treasure anywhere, be they in different colors or from different cultures.
Happy reading and shopping!